
Peter Jackson + Cast

fandom blogs tag yourself


the basic: reblogs all kinds of fandom content, mostly gifs and fanart but produces their own content only rarely. has a reasonable amount of followers and friends but isnt popular. secretly has controversial opinions.

the professional: very organized, uses a complicated tagging system, often specializes in meta, gifsets or edits. they are respected but nobody actually knows anything about them??

the living shitpost: has a squad of similar people and all they do is create memes at 2AM. if you see a new fandom meme it probably came from these people. either has the default theme or changes their theme every other day.

the parent: has been in the fandom for a decade, is tired of the discourse and doesn’t keep up with new fandom jokes but is always friendly to new fans. always thinks the series was better in the Old Days.

the sinner: dont look at their blog when your parents are in the room. nuff said.

the writer: very text-heavy. posts are fics, roleplays, headcanons or asks. their writing is loved by everyone but somehow they still only get 6 notes on their posts.

the artist: produces nice fanart, probably sells it at cons or on their website. is poor and struggling and is actually a nice person. wants to take requests from people but doesnt have the time.

the discourse™: will fight anyone about anything.


Return to the guild … to Mavis’ side and protect her!


Elves + names in Tengwar


Long live the king


I’d like to take a second to talk about Shirayuki and Zen’s relationship.

See, there’s this trope in manga (and in lots of other types of media too), in which the main couple needs to jump through a ton of hoops to make their relationship work out. There’s discomfort and jealousy and pain and suffering, both for the couple and for the reader. But with Shirayuki and Zen, it was never like that, not for a second. It was never painful. Their relationship has been so natural, easy progressions from casual teasing to best friends to lovers.

Girls grow up seeing these forced, contrived “shoujo” romances, and they think that they’re going to need to live like that, too. They think they’ll have to play games and feel insecure and go home and cry into their pillows.

Zen and Shirayuki are so, so important because healthy relationships are important. Love that stems from both romantic attachment and friendship is important, too.

Falling in love, especially as a teenager, should not be all twisting stomachs and stammering nerves. Sometimes, love is comforting and quiet, gentle, like nighttime. Like reaching out for the hand of someone you know will squeeze back. Sometimes love sneaks up on you.

(Sometimes you let it.)



bilbo “what the fuck is an arkenstone” baggins

#Bilbo’s complete lack of fucks about the treasure is my favorite thing #look at him he is so unimpressed #‘where is that fucking arkenstone what is that is that a diamond? #fuck it who knows’ #‘wow go find a super shiny rock in the pile of shiny things’ #‘fuck you thorin’ #‘maybe the arkenstone makes a noise’ #‘does the diamond necklace…nah silent just a bunch o rocks’ #‘wow look  ANOTHER BIG ROCK’ #‘fuck my life’ (via linddzz)


🎂 Happy Birthday 🎂 Marton Csokas! (30 June 1966)